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Safety – Reunification

If the need arises for large numbers of students to be reunited with their parent/guardian(s) during school hours - we will follow the following "Reunification Plan":

We will ask ALL parents/guardians driving to pick up student to enter our student pick up area on the NORTH side of the school coming from the WEST, heading EAST on 10200 S. (passing the middle school). Bring your ID and remain in your vehicle.

School staff will come to your passenger side window to hand you a clipboard to collect your student information (grade, teacher, etc.).
School staff will write down your license plate number, check your ID, and put a numbered card on your windshield. While staff members are verifying your information and retrieving your student to meet you on the East pick up lane (Kindergarten & Bus Loading Area), you will exit the North lane and drive over to the EAST pickup lane. A staff member will then deliver student(s) to your vehicle.

Walking Parents/Guardians:

Please check-out your students at a table near the flagpole in the front of the school. You will then take your numbered card and walk towards the student pick-up area and outside of fence-line to wait for your student to be delivered.