School Subscriptions (for use at home & school)
Links/Parent Supports
- Khan Academy (free math video tutorials)
- Canvas
- Skyward
- Parents can create an observer account to monitor student progress in Canvas and on Mastery Connect between reporting periods.
Core Instruction for ALL!
- English Language Arts - students will receive instruction on language comprehension and word recognition through programs such as Heggerty, Really Great Reading, and Wit and Wisdom.
- Mathematics - students receive core instruction using the Math Expressions
- Reflex Math
- Science - students will receive instruction using the FOSS program.
- Social Studies - teachers provide meaningful instruction based on grade level standards without the use of a specific program/resource. Here are some parent helps/resources.
- Teachers provide targeted interventions to students needing extra help throughout the school day.
- Students who are reading below grade level receive 30 minutes of targeted skill building instruction by teachers and literacy assistants during the Walk to Read time of day.
- Students who need additional accommodations to access grade level curriculum may reach out the school psychologist to discuss the possibility of creating a 504 plan.
- Students who qualify for special education services will have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) created for them so they can received specialized instruction as needed.